Saturday, April 2, 2011

Rua 15 de Novembro, 47

The Bird Watcher @ COLÖNIA Micro - Gallery

«A bird, a cage, a microphone, a camera, a computer and an internet connection.
The bird watcher is remote, artificial and operates on a computer with no inteligence.
The camera and microphone are pointed to and focus on the bird.
It records 24/7 and reacts to the bird’s tweets for editing it’s videos.
Edited videos of bird tweets are automatically uploaded to youtube

Newly available videos’ links are posted in twitter.
The Black-Throated - Finch:

Man Behind the Curtain: André Gonçalves at from 05.02.2011 until 05.05.2011

Final note: no Black-Throated Finches were harmed in the making of this post.

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